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This command enables your applications to find dGE supporting files such
as character sets, icon files, and super font files in directories other
than the current one.  The search hierarhy is based first on a specified
SET DGE RESOURCES command. If a RESOURCES command has not been issued, the
search for resource files continues with a look at the DOS environment for
a DGE environment variable.  Lacking an environmnt variable, the current
directory is assumed to be the location of all resource files.  Note that
like other Grahics Language commands, SET DGE RESOURCES must be used after
SET GRAPHICS ON has been issued.

SET DGE RESOURCES TO <reourcepath>

<resourcepath> must include a valid path and optionally preceeded by a
  disk drive letter.  Complex expressions are supported.

SET DGE RESOURCES TO C:\DGE               // establish resources path

         Purpose: Set the path to dGE resources
 Mapped Function: __SetResources() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: None.
   Other GL UDFs: None.
System variables: _dgepath_
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __SetResources()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson